Welcome to Eurobridge
The EUROBRIDGE Conference was created in 2021, at the initiative of Christian Tridon, entrepreneur and member of the French Federation of Public Works, and Le Pont Association. It gathers every year in Brussels, to talk about maintenance methods, training and carbon impact.
Eurobridge 2025
How to ensure transport infrastructure safety?
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The bridge has always represented a link between people. Building a bridge is not an easy task. From the first bridge built to the latest one, they have had to fight gravity. For a very long time, it was the vault, made of stone or brick, then the metal beam and the reinforced concrete slab. Bridge builders, and engineers in particular, were often bold and imaginative when it came to creating these structures. It is always sad to see a structure in a poor condition. In most cases, the lack of maintenance is the culprit. The owner or manager of the structure has not taken the necessary steps to maintain it in good condition. We estimate there are 1 million road bridges in the European Union, representing an asset value of around 2,000 billion euros. These structures are essential elements of the European road network. It is important to keep them in a good working condition if we are to continue to have a road network on which we can travel in complete safety. These structures fall into two categories: the very old, in wood or stone, and the more modern (from the 50s onwards), in metal or reinforced concrete. It is mainly the latter category that presents issues. Unlike stone, metal and reinforced concrete react to electro-chemical phenomena. They need to be protected from water contact, which triggers these reactions, the main consequence of which being corrosion of the steel and loss of strength. Structural maintenance is therefore essential if these structures are to remain. We know what these phenomena are, how they evolve, and what needs to be done to correct them. Unfortunately, the political will is lacking. Money is scarce, and more and more choices will have to be made. Join us on April 11, 2025, in Brussels, to alert on how maintenance is critical.
Christian Tridon